Welcome Aboard!


We Keep it Simple

There is no sitting on the dock or in a classroom.

America’s most affordable rates (all inclusive) no hidden cost.

We have not increased our rates in 8 years (click on our rates)

We keep it simple.

Our clients would be the people buying a trawler soon or down the road, so plan early, this will be a blueprint for future trawler planning. This is your chance to take charge of the helm and receive practical experience.

This is a hands-on school for those interested in learning more about the trawler world. By the time your trip is over you will know as much about trawlers as we do. Remember, advanced knowledge is a buyer’s best friend.

Professionally operated:

Trawler School Charters ensures professional teaching skills. Trawler school has had hundreds of satisfied customers and we have every client’s hand written testimonials from day one. Click on (clients testimonials) and see what they had to say.

About Our Founder:

Captain Bob has sold hundreds of trawlers in the past with Trawler Sales of South Florida, one of the largest trawler brokerages in North America. He is the author of The ABC’s of Trawlers (A Trawler Buyer’s Guide) which is widely circulated throughout the Trawler community. We will not try to sell you a trawler or refer you to a broker as this would be a conflict of interest. You can learn, without any pressure, about the type of trawler that will best suit your needs. Due to Captain Bob’s past brokerage experience 40% of our class is about inside brokers information, something no other school has to offer.This education alone will save you valuable time and money. This is by far is one of our most productive classes, piquing curiosity and making the entire trip worth it. So if your rolling around losing sleep, wondering if you should buy a trawler now, sell your house, take out your 401K plan today, next month, next year or five years from now, you can rest assured this training will empower you in making the best possible decision.

Our Concept: Where education becomes a vacation.


As a U.S.M.C. Veteran I am honored to offer an “Armed Forces Discount” to the men and women who have served our country. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Please contact me via E-mail or give me a call Captain Bob at 954-649-9611


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