Captains Log Wednesday June 10th Day 17
Jeff, the man that picked me up hitch hiking (I gave him the $5.00 lotto ticket to win $10,000), he called me and is sending me half $5,000. How lucky can one man be! Yahoo!
Shore call started at 3:00 to 7:30. We dinghy in, did laundry and hit the town. My clients had a blast.
Cape May is reputed to be the nation’s oldest seashore resort. 1812 and peaking architecturally in the 19th century. It is a National Historic Landmark. It has the largest collection of Victorian Houses nestle besides Gingerbread cottages. Check out the Coast guard water tower very cool. We left Cape May at 5:00am right behind the fishing fleet out into the open Atlantic Ocean.
My clients want to beat me and Captain Fred’s record of 105 miles in 12 hrs.
This leg was the worse part of the whole trip. This run would be 120 miles to Sandy Hook it is a 2 day trip in my boat and if the ocean is bad even more days and you will get beat up pretty bad.
We had a Southwest wind the south wind pushing us forward and the west wind coming off the shore knocking down the waves almost flat. It ended up that my clients did not break our record, but instead blew us off the face of the earth! 14 hours, 120 miles, at about 10 miles per hour, 8.3 knots.
All good thing must come to an end! My clients are disembarking tomorrow I will let them off at LaGuardia airport the vacation i is over time for the Doctor to make people feel good again. It is a sad time and our last supper together but we cracked open a bottle do Champagne for a cruise never to be forgotten.
Even after 14 hours of cruising we are very excited about tomorrow.
The best is yet to come. NEW YORK NEW YORK!!!
By the way about the $5,000. That was a big fat lie. Got ya Hardy ha ha.