Top 3 Trawler Buying Mistakes to Avoid

At Trawler School Charters, we’ve witnessed new trawler owners moving on to establish a remarkable resume of cruising experience. While all people succumb to the philosophy of lifelong learning through experience, some lessons are more important than others. Whether you’re purchasing your first trawler or are buying your third, it’s important to understand the most […]

Satisfied Customer Trawler School Charters

Dear TMCA Trawler Owners and Future Trawler Owners, I am writing to you to relate a very satisfying experience: being tutored in the art of trawler cruising (and being roundly entertained and well fed) by Capt. Bob Hamilton, aboard the Miami Mermaid, during a 4-day Trawler School Charter. In May of 2010 my wife Matilde […]