Posts Tagged ‘trawler charter school’
Trawler Charters Empower Buyers with Experience
November 6, 2014Chartering article in Passagemaker Channels, posted on Oct. 21st 2014
By Peter & Sharon Boothroyd
“In 2010 we took our initial training with Trawler School Charters out of Dania Beach, Florida. We were neophytes from the Canadian Midwest with zero experience in large boats. We needed the training and experience before charterboat companies would allow us to take one of their trawlers on our chartering adventures.
Our training took place on a single-engine 40′ trawler, the Miami Mermaid, and took us down the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) into Biscayne Bay. There was something empowering about cruising past the skyscrapers of downtown Miami and the extensive dockyards where immense cruise ships embarked for various Caribbean destinations.”
Folks, to make a long article short, Peter & Sharon received their Trawler School certificate. They have been chartering different trawlers the past few years on their own. Trawler school Charters provides this type of hands on training. The longer the client has to buy a trawler the better. Most people are looking for a time frame of 3 to 5 years after retirement, that is perfect timing. That is why Chartering is one of the topics I teach. Then, you can do just as Peter & Sharon did: each year they tried a different trawler size, first a 32′, then a 36′, a 42′, as well as different models: sundeck, trunk, sedan, and maybe even a pilothouse.
Consider Trawler School Charters your first stop, and then chartering on your own, because trawler charters empower buyers with experience. Also, it is much more favorable to present a certificate of completion of a trawler training course to the chartering companies, as well as to insurance companies.
Peter and Sharon’s big issue was chartering both single and twin. They learned to drive a single on the Miami Mermaid so chartering a twin was no problem at all. When it is time to make their decision to buy a trawler they will know exactly what best fits their needs.
The biggest concepts you learn from chartering are:
1. Should we buy?
2. Should we just keep on chartering?
3. We loved chartering so much we will become liveaboards.
If you follow these recommendations you will end up with the Trawler of your dreams. Hope you enjoyed my blog and I look forward to you joining me on a Trawler School Charter someday. Sea U Captain Bob
Single vs Twin Trawler Engine – The Great Debate!
December 29, 2013
Captain Robert L. Hamilton
USCG Licenced
Vessel Miami Mermaid
398 East Dania Beach Blvd #281
Dania Beach FL 33004