1-21-2019. 1-25-2019
Captain Bob,
Learned a lot! Very helpful as we are planing to get a trawler soon as we retire.
I’m not a mechanic, but Captain Bob’s engine class was very easy to understand and is included in his classes. I paid $900.00 for an engine class for 3 days, it was just too much information, but the Captain just shows you the 3 basic principles on how your Diesel engines work: air, aater & fuel, nice and simple.
Darlene’s seamstress skills came into play fixing the isinglass zipper on the fly bridge, the Captain was very pleased.
We saw dolphins & manatees and the million dollar Miami skyline where we anchored for one of the nights. Went to 5 or 6 beautiful anchorages and navigated the intracoastal waterway and Biscayne Bay. What an exciting adventure, like I mentioned we learned a LOT.
Thanks Captain
Dwight & Darlene
Rochester, MI