Really we really enjoyed the trip

Captain Bob 
Really we really enjoyed the trip. We learned so much, everything was a learning experience. You took the mystery out of navigation and docking. We spent a lot more time at the helm than we ever expected, I cannot believe you let us navigate the Miami Mermaid all by ourself, your course is really hands on training. The foul weather training was not expected but it was a challenge and will be very useful in the near future. Having been brought up on sail boat’s, the bad weather was not terrifying, but rather exiting and enjoyable. Your explanation on the purchasing, surveying, and closing process were very helpful. 
I never known the extent on finding the right model trawler I’m glad we went to your school we had the wrong model picked out , using brokers or buying private negotiating contracts, insurance, financing etc etc etc was the best. Engine class was really fun and helpful.  We had a lot of fun thank you Captain Bob 
Big Daddy & Jesse
Huffman TX