Trawler School Charters Review Jan 23 2014
Captain Bob what a wonderful trip! After eating a great meal, the next thing we know, we are at the helm going on night maneuver’s, how cool was that. It was pitch black out and we were on look out for any lights from other boats on the water, that’s when it all happened, all of a sudden, out of nowhere lights and sirens pounded us from 20 feet off our port swim platform we jumped a mile, talk about a slight heart attack, that was the moment. It turned out to be the Coast Guard doing there own night maneuver’s and they did there job real good. They asked us a few questions, shut off their lights and went off into the night looking for some drug runners & trust me that 28′ USCG boat and it’s crew owns the night “good job”. That incident made our trip one not to be forgotten, we are still talking about it.
We have read many Trawler books, navigation from A to Z, it all seemed so complicated, well after just one day we learned to keeping it simple and use common boating sense. In no time at all, we acquired the skills to navigate on our own for the next two days, that’s right all by ourselves at the helm. “Big man” (Captain) your insight and wisdom made our trip a fantastic, fun and knowledgeable experience. Captain you gave us the confidence so we can now start to pursue our Trawler dreams.
One subject Trawler school charters offered that no other school had to offer was Captain Bob’s past brokerage experience. He taught us the in’s & out’s how to find, buy the different models to chose from Sundeck, Trunk, sedan or pilot house, what size will work for us, contracts & negotiations and everything you need to know about buying or chartering a trawler. We now are very knowledgeable buyers and able to buy the right trawler and save thousand’s of dollars just on this subject alone.
Captain, we will never forget all the stories about ghosts and songs from Franky, Dino & Bing. Let’s not forget about Mr. B. Ha Ha
We highly recommend Captain Bob and Trawler School Charters if you are thinking about buying a trawler now or in the future.
Thanks for everything…….
Rob & Juliet