Trawlers are the Way to Go

12-4-2017.           12-8-2017

Captain Bob,

Had a wonderful time learning all your courses, and enjoying all the anchorages and beaches you took us to. We decided trawlers are the way to go.

We feel a lot more confident in taking the next step. Thank you so much.

Frank & Cathy
Bevercreek Ohio

Huge Confidence Booster

12-13-2017.           12-16-2017

Captain Bob,

I am retiring in 159 Friday’s and planning on living my dream on a trawler in the Florida Keys, pretty outrageous for a man from Oklahoma, but I’m ready. I got a wonderful feeling onboard the Miami Mermaid for 3 days 4 nights- I can live the trawler life! I never had experience on a boat and located Trawler School Charters on google and was amazed how much I learned in such a short period of time, like you advertise you “keep it simple.”  Thank you for the big boost in my confidence. Hope you enjoy my Uncle Bobs gift. See you in the Keys in 159 FRIDAY’s

Sportster Bob
Oklahoma City, Okla

Surprise Retirement Cruise

11-19.          11-23

Captain Bob,
Thank you so much for a really great time. You made my husband surprise retirement party a real “surprise”and a lot of fun, we kept it a secret for many months and the look on Bill’s face when he saw the Miami Mermaid was picture perfect. He been wanting to attend your school for the past 5 years and just could not get the time off, and the day after his retirement there his dream came true he was onboard attending Trawler School.

Boy, Captain Bob and Connie really got me GOOD. Thank you for all the experience and knowledge we gained with you, but most of all thanks for the friendship and fellowship from one boater to another.

Friends forever,
Bill & Connie
Neoga, Illinois

Fueling our Trawler Dreams

11-13.        11-17

Thanks Captain Bob!

Cruising on the Miami Mermaid was fun and entertaining as well as informative. Nice clean boat, great dinners and good fish jokes. We learned way more than we expected and will use this new knowledge for our trawler dreams.

Julie & Walter
Mobile, Al

How Do You Tune A Fish?

Nov 6.              Nov 9

Hey Captain Bob-

Both nautical and nice. Learned so much and now we are left with a lot of trawler decisions to make. Definitely a confidence builder, you are very entertaining, and give informative classes. Loved your fish jokes, here is one for you, How do you tune a fish? Ha ha

Thanks Captain,
Peter & Sharon
London, Canada

Slow Down or You’ll Miss It

10/16/17.              10/20/17

Captain Bob aka Cabin Boy Boy!

Thank you very much for a fun introduction into Trawler’s. Your philosophy of teaching and keeping things simple was invigorating. We really enjoyed visiting many different anchorages they are hidden gems. (Biscayne state park, Hurricane Harbor, 100,000 BC just like you told us it was like going back in time plus many more stops…, Manatee, Dolphins, and amazing sunsets.

We learned to bond together and handle a trawler all by ourself.

You are an unbelievable cook and all very healthy. We had a blast playing your game “U Tuber” what a great time. I left you my book A Year of living your yoga. Daily quotations. 10-16 it’s about learning 10-17 all we need to do is slow down, 10-18  the most powerful thing is unseen. Enjoy your daily quotes. Enjoy the Ron Zacapa 23 year old rum.

We will miss you Captain
Lara & Greg
Vienna, VA

We Loved it So Much We Stayed 3 Extra Days

10 – 9                10 -13- 2017

Captain Bob,

Thank you for the valuable lessons on docking & navigation, handling a trawler plus experiencing living on board. We had a great time, and the location- we stayed an additional 3 days B&B on the Miami Mermaid. It was the perfect vacation with an education!

The meals were delicious and nutritious. We enjoyed the Do’s & Dont’s on buying a trawler when we’re ready to retire and buy our live aboard. For now we have the confidence to go charter on our own.

We will miss South Florida’s weather when we’re back on the farm freezing, we will be thinking of Wilma basking in the sun, Wilma is Captain Bob’s blow up doll he uses for his surprise woman over board drill. We graduated and became part of the “Trawler Scholar team”. Wow 398 clients have graduated Trawler school in the past 12 years under Captain Bob’s school.

Thanks for Everything
John & Debbi
Shoshoni, WY

Blowing Bubbles

10 — 1           10 — 4 — 2017

Dear Captain Bob-

Thanks for everything! Invaluable trawler experience, delicious healthy meals. Great advice. Your ABC’s of your Trawler Buying Book you wrote  was a great door opener for attending Trawler School.

Thank You
Houston, TX

Captain Bob,
I agree great, great healthy food had a wonderful learning experience. Bonded working with Cyndi whilw trawlering in beautiful spots. I’ll never forget using your hand soap as mouthwash. I was blowing bubbles for days. Ha Ha

We had a great time.
Stan the trawler Man
Houston, TX

What A Confidence Builder!

Aug 14th  —-  Aug 17 2017

Captain Bob,

Thanks for being such a wonderful teacher, letting us operate hands-on training on your trawler on our own, at the helm, and letting us take full control (what a confidence builder). We learned in a very relaxed atmosphere. Your approach to teaching was keeping it simple, you covered so many subjects we learned way more than we ever expected.

Your knowledge in the purchasing process was invaluable due to your past personal Trawler brokerage experience. We already feel much more comfortable and confident moving forward on our future Trawler plans. Your school was worth every penny.

Thanks Captain Bob!
Kelly & Rick
Minnesota, MN

Empowering and Magical – Exactly What We Were Looking For

July 17 2017.               July 21 2017

Captain Bob,

Mike and I found exactly what we were looking for at trawler school. You gave us the knowledge and confidence to continue our dream of the “Great Loop” we were very concerned about charting and navigating, you got us though those steps.

In addition to the knowledge, skills and confidence we gained, we also had a great time. Your jokes and tales amused us delightfully.

We will never forget our docking classes, being able to dock a 40′ single engine trawler was empowering as a Manatee gently played on the near the hidden cove’s shores and mangroves was simply magical.

Tammy & Mike
Huston TX