Tag Archives: capt. robert hamilton

Capt. Bob Hamilton – Cabin Boy or Guru? You Decide

December 31, 2010

Nous avons passé du moments trés agréables sur ce bateau. Capitainie Bob est un bon marin, un trés bon pedagogue et surtout, un excellent cuisinier! Si vous voulez apprendre a naviguer, il n’y a pas meilleure école. Refiez-vous quand meme: notre Capitaine est un sani personage!

A bientot sure les flots

Edouard et Sabine – Cannes, France

December 27 – 30, 2010

Learning, fun, experiencing South Florida, ICW, all combined in 4 days of cruising with Captain Bob on the Miami Mermaid.

We were at the wheel in the first 10 minutes and enjoyed the combination of boating and instruction based on gaining a quick and practical knowledge of running a trawler.

We saw everything from a quiet island key to anchoring with Miami skyline view. Boating through clear open waters to a major Port of Miami shipping lanes.

We had a great time and learned lots! Thanks Capt. Bob!

Doug & Brenda – Canada

December 13-15, 2010

Captain Bob,

I have two things to say:

1)      BRRRRRRR!

2)      “Final Solution” – good advice!

Despite having to dodge icebergs in Miami & Key Biscayne, it was a fun adventure and a good teaching experience. Thanks for the good laughs.

Mark & Nancy

November 26, 2010

Made port yesterday, Thanksgiving, after a great few days learning the “Art of Trawlering.” Capt. Bob does a great job of teaching you “What you need to know” We have been contemplating the trawler lifestyle as a potential retirement option in a few years. This course was just what we needed to get a taste of what it and what it is not, plus gaining the confidence to go to the next step of a bareboat charter. The ports of call are great and all offer a different aspect of trawler cruising.

The added treat of a fantastic Thanksgiving at “Chez Susan” with all the trimmings and then some, was a great way to end up our adventure. We will definitely be making the next stop toward our own “Final Solution.”

Thanks for everything! (Sorry about lightening your pockets after dinner!)

Roger & Lynn – Rochester, NY & Atlanta, GA

November 15 – 19, 2010

The “Way” to trawling self-confidence.

There is Bushido, the “way” of the samurai warrior. There is Karate, the ”way” of the empty hand. Then, there is Capt. Bob’s “way,” the true way to learn seamanship, boating, and the trawler way. Matilde and I decided to get a trawler and began searching. We believed that it would take a year to find  the perfect one. So, we, in May of 2010 engaged a Trawler School Charter for Nov. 15, 2010, believing our training would be done far ahead of our trawler purchase. Ha! We found our boat in July and Capt. Bob’s book was a godsend, an invaluable guide during our purchase. Now, what to do with our Trawler School Charter? Cancel? No. We decided that ICW training would be valuable as we intended to make our first long trip from Houston, TX to the Bahamas.

Little did we know that ICW training would be 10 times as valuable as we thought. In fact, one of the many benefits of Capt. Bob’s training is that it greatly facilitated communications between Matilde and me (each of us has difficulty accepting instruction from the other). The highlights for me were the training segments on electronics (I have not been able to get from the instruction manuals how to operate our chart plotter). I now feel completely comfortable with electronics navigation. Anchoring, engine (air/water/fuel – so simple, really and now I can out-think problems). Electrics (now I am completely confident with 120 & 12V alternating and direct current systems and how the interact on a trawler. But, here’s the icing on the cake: Capt. Bob suggested that before crossing the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas we do what he calls the “little loop”- Houston to the Big Ditch by the ICW; Big Ditch to Okeechobee – to Atlantic ICW – to Miami – to Key West – to Big Ditch – to Houston. Ideal! All near the service and spares we might need to shake down our vessel and prepare her for foreign exploits. It has been a great experience for us, and meeting Capt. Bob’s charming Susan was a joy! Getting to know the “way” of Capt. Bob has been the best use of our time and money that we can imagine.

Thank you Capt!

Phil & Matilde – Houston, TX

November 8 – 11, 2010

Hey Bob,

Thanks for the birthday Mermaid & card- the cake, champagne and flowers weren’t bad either! The weather was great and the food good. I know so much more now than I did then – Sandra

An excellent introduction to Southern Floridian waters, and what a Big Boat experience is all about. Boca Chita was a trip! Thanks Capt. Bob – John

Templeton, CA