Tag Archives: live aboard trawler

Nothing Like Living Aboard for 4 Days

Ahoy Captain Bob,

I guess it’s O-Fish-El your fish jokes were killing us “how do you talk to a shark? Long distance. O boy Captain…

Captain Bob says we can handle a trawler on our own now that we passed trawler school. We’re confident we can also. My wife and I were considering a trawler for retirement in 5-10 years. This educational vacation gave us even more to think about. It’s so helpful to to actually live aboard for 4 days with someone who lives the trawler life. We were able to absorb a part of Captain Bob’s vast knowledge and experience. The Mermaid is a solid, safe and well maintained trawler. The weather was perfect, the scenery was beautiful, the fish jokes were… you must hear them for yourself. Captain Bob’s cooking was fantastic.

Thanks Captain Bob! We look forward to future chartering on our own until the day were ready to retire and buy our own trawler. Thanks again for the memorable, enlightening trip.

Captain Scott & Admaril Vicky
Manitowoc, Wisconsin