3-20-16 3-24-16
Captain Bob,
We want to live on a trawler – but what baby boomer doesn’t? We were looking to get some hands on training and searched the Internet, Captain Bob’s trawler school came up everywhere and he’s been teaching for over 10 years, he has the best informative site … so we decided to attend his school.
I (Beau) was nervous and now I can read a chart, use a chart plotter, plot a course, navigate and dock a single engine 40′ trawler, just to name a few things our patient and smart teacher Captain Bob taught us.
We will now be on our quest on finding a trawler now that we are armed with knowledge.
I (Tim) also learned a lot about trawlers and a real hands on training course. Ate very well, we shared stories and music, we had more fun than we had in a long time. We picked the right trawler school.
Thanks Captain Bob
Tim & Beau B
Sharon VT