Tag Archives: trawler school fl

Trawler School Charters: Learning the Art of Trawlering

Made port yesterday, Thanksgiving, after a great few days learning the “Art of Trawlering.” Capt. Bob does a great job of teaching you “what you need to know.” We have been contemplating the trawler lifestyle as a potential retirement option in a few years. This course was just what we needed to get a taste of what it is, and what it is not, plus gaining the confidence to go to the next step of a bareboat charter. The ports of call are great, and all offer a different aspect of trawler cruising.

The added treat of a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner at “Chez Susan” with all the trimmings and then some, was a great way to end up our adventure. We will definitely be making the next step toward out own “final solution!”

Thanks for everything! (Sorry about lightening your pockets after dinner!)

Take care Capt. Bob & Susan,

Roger & Lynn
Rochester, NY & Atlanta, GA
November 2010

To see the original log entry as written by the guests, click here