Tag Archives: vacation with an education

New Year’s Eve on the Miami Mermaid

A vacation with an education!

Ahoy Captain Bob

What a great way to spend “New Years. This was our first time on a trawler so we were looking for one part learning, one part hands on training and the rest our vacation. As far as learning and hands on training & education went, Captain Bob provided everything we came to Trawler School for. We definitely have a better understanding of the trawler lifestyle now. As far as the vacation goes we spent 3 days 4 nights on the Miami Mermaid and saw terrific scenery… Islands, coves, dolphins, manatees, and many $$$$ mansions & boats.

News Years Eve was the best ever, watching 360 degrees fireworks at 12:00 from downtown Miami all the way to South Beach, and we had front row seats onboard the Mermaid. Pitbull was hosting Miami New Years, it all happened right in front of us, and we had a 25″ TV on the flybridge not to miss a thing. Happy New Years. Incredible night…. Midnight swim & blowing the LOUDEST horn in the harbor.

Very Memorable, Jim

Thanks for the wonderful cruise and the experience of a lifetime. I will always remember bringing in 2015 with a big smile on my face.

Happy New Years, Captain Bob,
Susan & Jim M.
El Paso, TX