Nov 29th 2016 — Dec 3rd 2016
Captain Bob, Wilma, The Miami Mermaid
What a great course on seamanship. We arrived late Tuesday night and before you know it we were having Margaritas on Hollywood Beach. It was our stowaway night and we had no classes till 9:00am the next morning.
Charts and navigation just what we came for, we cruised South on the Intracoastal Waterway for 6 hours. We went to a wonderful Island called Boca Chica. We were alone at the helm for well over 3/4 of the time, Captain Bob has great patience and trust in his shipmates.
We learned the Captain’s 4 rules of the road: stay in your own lane, show your intentions, 360 degree rule, and last but no least the most important the WAKE. If you do not learn this rule you’ll be attending your own Wake.
The next day we learned anchoring, docking. The following day was the engine class what a blast and then 110– 12 volt Electrial class.
We went to so many anchorages in beautiful spots, we’d like to come back down when we buy our trawler. Buying the right trawler, contracts, survey… whether to charter or buy was the best information. Finally, Kathy cruised the Miami Mermaid all the Way from Miami back to the dock in Dania Beach Marina.
All in all the school was way more than we were looking for and we made a new lifetime friend “Captain Bob”
Thank you
Kathy M & Michael C
Arlington and Cambridge Ma