We Loved it So Much We Stayed 3 Extra Days

10 – 9                10 -13- 2017

Captain Bob,

Thank you for the valuable lessons on docking & navigation, handling a trawler plus experiencing living on board. We had a great time, and the location- we stayed an additional 3 days B&B on the Miami Mermaid. It was the perfect vacation with an education!

The meals were delicious and nutritious. We enjoyed the Do’s & Dont’s on buying a trawler when we’re ready to retire and buy our live aboard. For now we have the confidence to go charter on our own.

We will miss South Florida’s weather when we’re back on the farm freezing, we will be thinking of Wilma basking in the sun, Wilma is Captain Bob’s blow up doll he uses for his surprise woman over board drill. We graduated and became part of the “Trawler Scholar team”. Wow 398 clients have graduated Trawler school in the past 12 years under Captain Bob’s school.

Thanks for Everything
John & Debbi
Shoshoni, WY