To trawler or not to trawler? That is the question. After a few days aboard Captain Bob’s trawler, “The Miami Mermaid”, you will have a better idea,as to the answer to that question.
Ok, you and your “significant other” have finally reached a point in your life where you need to make some changes. “Significant other” now includes, not only wife/husband but girl friend/boy friend, dog/cat, or any combination of the above. The point is, you think that it is time to get that boat/RV, mountain cabin, what ever!
Trawler School Charters would be a good place to start. Captain Robert Hamilton , the owner of the company, will guide you in the right direction. Sign up for a class and go!
After three or four days of “trawlering” and training with Captain Bob, you will have a clear idea as to whether that is the life for you. I am not going to get into which boat is right for you. Captain Bob will point out the different types of trawlers, advantages/disadvantages of each etc.
You have questions to ask. They will be answered by Captain Bob in his unique way and style. I am a satisfied customer and now have the ability and confidence to make an informed decision as to how to go about acquiring a trawler that will meet my needs.
In appreciation, I entrust my “Boson’s Pipe” to Captain Bob Hamilton after 30 years of my ownership.