It Was Like Our Honeymoon

11-4-2018. 11-8-2018

Captain Bob

We had such a fun adventure with you this week. Right off the bat your humor put us at ease and your hospitality made us feel like we were right at home onboard the Miami Mermaid, nice and roomy and very clean. Your cooking is out of this world! It went very well with your romantic candlelight dinner, and nice soft music in the back ground. It was like our honeymoon— Thank you.

Your course was fun and practical you showed us the in’s & out’s of trawlering. I’m an airline pilot and found it fun and exciting navigating the seven seas. We own a small boat and use our motor home a lot. After your trawler school we became excited about trawlering as a new lifestyle when we retire. We are now better boaters after attending your trawler school. We are your 411th graduates and it’s a honor to become Trawler Scholars.

Thank you!!
Cindy & Rick
Thompson Station, TN

Thanks, Capt. Know-It-All

10-22-2018. 10-26-2018

Captain Bob

We had a great time, your detailed classes educated us on all aspects of trawlering.
You brought excitement & zest to your classroom. Leaving us alone for our hands on training let us bond and learn how to run a trawler with full confidence. We’d like to thank Captain Know- It-All (Chart Plotter) it did in fact have all the answers when we were alone on the bridge.
Your food was in a class of its own, thank you so much Captain Bob.

Susan & Donny
Dartmouth Ma

23rd Wedding Anniversary Adventure

9-3-18. 9-7-18

Captain Bob

Thanks for a great adventure! Pat and I really enjoyed Trawler School! We both learned way more than we expected. We appreciate your wealth of knowledge, information and teaching methods, we will put all we learned toward our next trawler charter alone.

Must say, The food was out of this world just outstanding and healthy.

It was hands down the best way to spend our 23rd Wedding Anniversary. The jury is out whether to buy or charter but our next step is to charter now that we passed and earned your graduation certificate to present to the charter company. We will put all our learning skills Captain Bob taught us to cruise comfortably and with confidence.

Enjoy the video review of our cruise I’ll be emailing you shortly.

Best Wishes & God Bless
Tracy & Pat
Lake Saint Louis Mo

Our Goal Was to See If We Could Handle a Trawler

Captain Bob.        
Our goal was to see if we could handle a trawler.

#1 to leave and come back to the dock.
#2 learn basic navigation skills.
#3 the art of anchoring.
#4 should we buy or charter a trawler.

We had beautiful weather and did not run aground Captain Bob spent time teaching us navigating and let us on our own for the entire trip. Wow. We now have all the confidence in the world. His classes were very informative and now we have a lot to think about.

We highly recommend Captain Bob’s trawler school, it was worth every penny. What a wonderful time we had onboard, and 5 great Anchorage’s and fabulous food.

Steve & Jan
Bryan Oh

Just Sold Our 39′ Express Cruiser

July 9th –  July 13th

Captain Bob, you run a great trawler school. You packed in 40 years of knowledge into 3 days!

We learned a lot for a couple that just sold a 39” express cruiser.

The most important lesson I learned is how to be patient and flexible….  we are now ready for our trawler future. Great food, great company, great fun. We recommend your trawler school for anyone who is looking to cruise on a trawler.

Thank you
Alex & Susan
Norcross GA

From Zero Experience to Microburst in one Weekend

6-23-18 to  6-26-18

Thanks Captain Bob for teaching us everything about trawlers. We never been on a boat before! With the help of your book and advice we brought a 39’ Mainship Sedan trawler.

Now after your training course we feel 100% confidence of pursuing our dreams cruising the Bahamas and the Caribbean at the end of this year.

We made it through the Micoburst storm where the winds went from 5mph up to 40mph in poring rain the storm came out of nowhere and lasted 15 minuets. The boats in Hurricane Harbor, a well protected anchorage, were all sliding off there anchors and running into each other with one capsized boat. We made it with your leadership and knowledge by picking up anchor and going straight into the storm on our own, avoiding all the other boats. We were  unharmed and heading straight into the sunshine, boy what an experience of a lifetime. In 13 years the Captain had been through 3 Mircoburst storms. They can reach up to 60mph, they come out of nowhere, and can last anywhere from 1 minute to 20.

We made it!
Thank You
Paul and Lee
Miami Fl transplant from Kansas

Confidence Level Increased a Mile

6-18-18 to 6-22-18

Thanks Captain Bob for a great time! Our boating skills were improved, our knowledge of various systems increased and our confidence level was raised a mile. You are a very effective teacher with a sense of humor.

The classes, hands on training & recreation was a perfect blend. The fish jokes, ehh? Just kidding.

We leave the Miami Mermaid & Captain Bob with wonderful memories.
Thank you again.
Duane & Holly
Elizabeth PA

Learned a Lot and Still Felt Like a Vacation

6-11-18 to 6-15-18
We had no trawler experience and Captain Bob’s trawler school turned out to be lot of fun. We were off the dock cruising immediately to beautiful scenery, lots of different stops and anchorages.

The whole experience was great including the food and quarters. Thank you for the new trawler skills and adventures.


I really recommend this trawler course for those that want to learn everything about handling Trawlers I learned a lot and it still felt like a vacation.

Semper Fi
Leesburg, VA

One Step Closer to the Great Loop

5-28-2018          6-1-2018

Captain Bob aka “Cabin Boy Bob”—

Knowing absolutely nothing about boating, you have given us the confidence to know that trawlering is something we can do, and enjoy! We know we can’t take on the Great Loop yet, but your school was our first step and our next step is to charter a trawler on our own. We will prepare ourselves with all the knowledge and experience we learned in your classes. With Captain Bob”s wise advice we now have a solid plan to move forward. Captain Bob we appreciate all the time and patience and trust you’ve given us.

My time onboard the Miami Mermaid has been fun, relaxing, exciting and adventurous and very enjoyable.

Thank you Linda

It has been the best learning experience understanding trawlers. I knew a little about boating, but less about operating a trawler. After your intensive classes I know a lot more about these cool boats. Thank you for you patience and your excellent cooking! Best wishes for you and your future students.

Take care and God Bless.
Linda & Don
Bartlett TN

We Found the Confidence We Came For

5-18-2018.            5-21-218

Captain Bob,

In contemporary culture today all to0 frequently expectations do not measure up to reality. Not so with Captain Bob!!! His trawler experience and knowledge has helped us throughout all the subjects you covered, we found the confidence we came for.

Kudos to Captain Robert Hamilton in showing us the way to our next step into taking our trawler adventures.

We are in-debt to the skipper, you have enriched our lives…

Matthew & Virginia
Hilltop Trail Sparta NJ
(Brooklyn Too)